From the desk of Principal……

“Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who do not rest on the laurels of the past.”
“If a plant is carefully nurtured by a gardener, it will grow well and produce better fruits.” Therefore, children must be given good education from their earliest childhood. Teachers being the incarnation of God play the role of torchbearers and pathfinders for each and every pupil. St. Xavier’s High School always provides a supportive and inclusive environment where all kinds of children are encouraged to explore their inquisitive potential. Authentic learning opportunities are given that inspire the young learners to develop creativity, confidence and resilience to become independent. We aim to develop and sustain a genuine rapport with our esteemed parents. We are proud to be a high performing school aim to be selective school of first choice for all families within our community.
Our enthusiastic children have an indomitable desire to learn new things and our efficient teachers are committed to ensure that each and every child is satisfied. Our focus is to provide an enriching curriculum in a conducive atmosphere. The collaborative efforts of our stakeholders continue to strengthen us and help our students become life-long learners and great achievers, equipped with the skills to adapt in every changing world. Children are encouraged how to think and not what to think. We, at St. Xavier’s High School believe that it is important to first till the soil of students’ mind, then seed them with education through love and respect for human beings and later inculcate confidence in them by blending technology with teaching.
Mr. Hemanta Kumar Seth
St. Xavier’s High School, Jajpur Road