“Think differently, focus intensely and work independently.”
The above words truly reveal the success story of St. Xavier’s High School, Jajpur Road was founded in 2006 by Shri Rajib Kumar Mohanty with the prime objective to create genuine architects of future. Having blossomed from a humble beginning with a scant number of students and teachers with a vision to deliver quality education is today a prestigious learning institute in the locality. The school is affiliated to CBSE and has student strength of about 2000 from LKG to XII. The school has been constantly pursuing and achieving excellence in both scholastic and non-scholastic areas. Apart from achieving consistently 100 % result in the Xth and XIIth boards, our students have been recipients of several other awards. Their accomplishments in academics, sports and cultural domain have been significant by many awards and accolades won.
The newly evolved approach underlying Xaverian system makes a child easier to learn through instinctive spirit. The teaching methods are so devised as to create, develop and quench the psychological thirst of a child learner in the most effective manner. The Xaverian activity coupled with blended teaching can successfully bring about an integral development in a child. Our school leaves no stone unturned for the development of its student. It takes utmost care and keeps vigilant eyes on each child to develop them academically, spiritually and morally so as to let him stand in the society by their own.
Our Mission
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
Our mission is to develop young Men/ Women with active creative minds, a sense of understanding and competition for others, and the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress on the total development of each child: spiritual, Moral, Intellectual, Social, Emotional and Physical. Our mission is an overall holistic development of child to make them an asset for themselves.
Our Vision
“Education is not preparation for life: Education is life itself.”
Our vision is to prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling in them the critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for care values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance and compassion. Students will have success for today and prepared for tomorrow.
St. Xavier’s High School under the aegis of Holy Soul’s Society is consisting of a group of educationists. The management takes keen in imparting education to the learners aiming at to produce good and able citizen of future with full of moral and patriotism. It lives no stone unturned further the quality management of the institution as a whole.
From the desk of Secretary……

The true essence of Education is not to enable one to be well settled but to impart noble virtues. In modern times the term Education is not limited into mere bookish knowledge and getting grades; it engulfs a vast area with important factors as developing self-confidence, emotionally strong, problem solving, etc. St. Xavier’s High School endeavours to provide a quality education with the collective efforts of its dexterous administration and amicable faculties. Apart from scholastic activities, the school facilitates the pupils with well-equipped science labs for igniting the scientific curiosity. The school epitomizes vibrancy and dynamism. It aims to provide a holistic learning environment whereby the pupils develop the fine attributes of head and heart. We tend to build a resourceful individual out of a naïve human by rendering the wisdom which will lead to broader perspective of life. Our sole objective is to explore every child’s talent and provide opportunities which will enable them to discover something excited and enthusiastic.
When we mention education; it weaves a simple picture in our mind i.e. a student learning and a teacher teaching, but today’s education is beyond the classical paper-pencil-blackboard theory. It has evolved into a giant wheel that has many spokes like personality development, time management competing beyond boundaries, etc. We at St. Xavier’s High School strive hard to propagate our age old theory to cater good education at affordable price to the able scholars who seek excellence in their pursuit of an indomitable desire. Every child is different and unique; blessed with immense potential, curiosity and creativity blended with lots of learning attitude. We are there as a supportive pillar to let our pupils to discover their own world; make their own choices and face their own challenges.
Rajib Kumar Mohanty
St. Xavier’s High School, Jajpur Road
From the desk of Principal……

“Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who do not rest on the laurels of the past.”
“If a plant is carefully nurtured by a gardener, it will grow well and produce better fruits.” Therefore, children must be given good education from their earliest childhood. Teachers being the incarnation of God play the role of torchbearers and pathfinders for each and every pupil. St. Xavier’s High School always provides a supportive and inclusive environment where all kinds of children are encouraged to explore their inquisitive potential. Authentic learning opportunities are given that inspire the young learners to develop creativity, confidence and resilience to become independent. We aim to develop and sustain a genuine rapport with our esteemed parents. We are proud to be a high performing school aim to be selective school of first choice for all families within our community.
Our enthusiastic children have an indomitable desire to learn new things and our efficient teachers are committed to ensure that each and every child is satisfied. Our focus is to provide an enriching curriculum in a conducive atmosphere. The collaborative efforts of our stakeholders continue to strengthen us and help our students become life-long learners and great achievers, equipped with the skills to adapt in every changing world. Children are encouraged how to think and not what to think. We, at St. Xavier’s High School believe that it is important to first till the soil of students’ mind, then seed them with education through love and respect for human beings and later inculcate confidence in them by blending technology with teaching.
Dr Pradeep Kumar Tripathy
St. Xavier’s High School, Jajpur Road